US Embassy Riga, Cleaning of 2 underground fuel storage tanks, approx. 70 cubic meters, cleaning of 5 day fuel tanks, approx. total 7.5 cubic meters, Cleaning of 700 meters of underground piping. 50mm and 100mm diameter, PVC piping, cleaning of 200 meters of above ground piping. 25mm and 50mm steel piping, Filtration and cleaning of 31 tons of diesel.

AS Statoil Eesti, ESTONIA, internal cleaning of tanks at gas stations for inspection.

AS Neste Eesti, ESTONIA, internal cleaning of tanks at gas stations for inspection.

AS Vopak EOS, ESTONIA, cleaning of rail cars of tanks after fuel oil.

Sillamäe Oil Terminal, ESTONIA, 30000 m3 tank, 2 pcs. Product: fuel oil.

OÜ Velsicol, ESTONIA, cylindrical vertical tank, 3 000 m³, Product: toluene.

Hepa OU, internal cleaning of tanks at two gas station for inspection.

BioDiesel AG, AUSTRIA, cylindrical vertical, cylindrical horizontal. 4000 m³, 55000 m³ biodiesel, fuel oil.

Sudan, Khatrum, TEC, vertical cylindrical 20 000 m³, fuel oil.

Dugas terminal, UAE, cylindrical vertical, 65,000 m³, gas condensate.

GNPOC, Sudan, Port Sudan, Bashair Marine Terminal, vertical cylindrical tank with a floating roof of 80,000 m³, crude oil.

IRPC Public Company KINGDOM OF THAILAND, cylindrical horizontal tank 1 500 m3, 1 000 m³, mineral oil.

EVR Cargo Tapa Depoo, ESTONIA, railway tank cars, fuel oil.

VOPAK Еerminal, ESTONIA, railway tank cars, preparation for loading jet fuel.

Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (TAKREER), Ruwais, UAE, cleaning of a vertical tank of 60,000 m³ after the residue of direct distillation.

EVR Cargo Tapa Depot, ESTONIA, station for the preparation of railway wagons of tanks for loading products.

ADNOC Distribution, Abu Dhabi, UAE, internal cleaning of tanks at gas stations for inspection. B & P Service z.o.o.

POLAND, station for the preparation of railway wagons of tanks for loading products

Olerex AS, ESTONIA, internal cleaning of tanks at gas stations for inspection.

GT OIL OÜ, ESTONIA, internal cleaning of tanks at gas stations for inspection.

NESTE LITHUANIA, cleaning of tanks and technological pipelines at gas stations.

AS Circle K, Tallinn, Estonia, internal cleaning of tanks at gas stations for inspection. Tartu Terminal, Estonia, internal cleaning of process pipelines and vertical steel tanks of 1,000 m³, 3,000 m³ after gasoline and diesel fuel.

AS ALEXELA Sillamae Terminal, Estonia, internal cleaning of main pipelines with a total length of 5000 m., Vertical steel tanks of 2,500 m³, 3,000 m³ and their technological pipelines after shale oil.

AS Tartu Terminal, Estonia, internal cleaning of pipes and vertical steel tanks 1 000 m³, 3 000 m³ after gasoline and diesel fuel.